The sheer growth of digital devices over the last 20 years has made information more accessible than ever and greatly increased the need for new applications to not only process that information, but to accomplish new tasks and tasks that were once done manually.
Usability can actually be a marketing tool. The more informative a website is, the more likely it is that a potential customer will remain long enough to convert. A high quality site also makes it easier for the customer to interact, thus minimising website abandonment, and these aren’t the only ways that user friendliness and usability increase conversions.
Perhaps the single most important element in software testing is to produce a functional piece of software. You want what reaches the customer or the marketplace to be as free of bugs as possible.
We live in an ever evolving digital world. As digital technology spreads across the landscape, it becomes increasingly difficult to design digital products that can compete in the modern marketplace. Still, there is a way to design your digital product for success. Whether that product is a website, an app or an online community, you can increase the chance of its success by following certain guidelines.
Testing is a vital part of software development. Whether testing is done manually or through the use of automation, depends on the circumstances. The choice can be influenced by such things as the project's requirements and the expertise available. However, it usually comes down to some combination of time and money. Like it or not, cost reduction and speed of delivery are both important parts of software development. So, knowing when to test manually and when to use automation can have a considerable effect on the bottom line and the final outcome.
Software testing can be a rather formalized procedure. And while formal processes are important it is impossible to develop procedures that will always successfully find bugs. The very nature of coding and the complexity of software development makes this impossible. So there comes a time when formalized testing must be set aside. It is these times when the software tester’s skill is most evident.
The purpose of nonfunctional testing is to go beyond the input and output of an application to determine how well it meets system requirements. Nonfunctional testing determines how well an application interacts with the the environment in which it is intended to function.
Bugwolf is proud to have taken part in the Go Girl Go for IT event this year in Melbourne. We participated along with our partners the National Australian Bank, IBM and K-Mart. The Go Girl Go for IT program exists to help educate young women on the many digital technology careers available.
Software testing began as a human activity and has evolved, right along with coding, to embrace an increasing amount of automation. The pressure to automate is quite strong. It speeds the development process and cuts costs, at least most of the time. But is it always the go-to solution?
The importance of user experience testing has grown in direct proportion to the complexity of what is being tested. There was a time when software UAT didn’t even exist because software did not exist. There was no such thing when Charles Babbage started work on his “difference engine” way back in the early 1800s.
When designing for the mobile experience it is important to remember that we human beings aren't really good at focusing our attention. We are generally better at scanning our environment because that was how our ancestors survived and kept out of reach of tigers. Mobile devices such as iPhones and tablets are actually a bit harder to use because smaller screens require greater focus, which can actually shorten attention span. Yet, Google's latest study indicates that use of mobile platforms is on the rise, do to the need for quick and convenient interface. Here are seven ways you can improve your visitors mobile user experience.
User acceptance testing is vital because, ultimately, the quality of any software is determined by the user. This is why it is important to develop realistic and useful test cases. These cases should be based on both careful interviews with users of the system and monitoring of the environment in which the application will be used.