How eCommerce sites can increase conversions
Clean design and muted tones
There are a number of things that can be done to make an eCommerce site easy to understand and use. For one thing, the site should be comfortable. This usually means no garish colours. But not always, it depends on the products being sold. A website selling party accessories like paper plates, noisemakers and funny hats, can and should feature bright colours and maybe even a little animation, but only a little. Thankfully, the days of animation heavy websites are long gone. On the other hand, a site featuring fine leather goods should not be decked out in bright orange and red. People subconsciously associate certain patterns and colors with certain products, so the site should always reflect the products being sold.
Strong branding and easy navigation
The site should also be clearly established right up front. Everything important should be laid out on the landing page in an easy to comprehend manner. No customer should be forced to use a search bar, plugging in different words in an effort to find the product he or she is looking for.
Transparent and easy transactions
When it comes to ease of use, nothing is more important than shopping carts. Shopping carts should have quick and easy access. Ideally, they should not require the user to “abandon” the product area of the site in order to glance at the shopping cart. Shipping cost should be calculated before reaching the checkout page. Surprise shipping cost is one of the most common reasons people abandon purchases. It’s better to have customers know the shipping charges ahead of time, and cut down a bit on their purchase, than to be surprised on the last page and abandon everything.
If there is any one word that defines user friendly, it is the word “intuitive.” You know you have the right design when customers can easily navigate, and readily find what they want, almost as soon as they arrive at the site. Building a site that turns visitors into conversions will take some time and research, but it’s worth the effort.