Making sales in the modern marketing landscape
How to sell has been rather left out. Part of this is due to the uncomfortable fact that human beings are rather a mystery to each other and so people generally look for one size fits all patterns they can use over and over again. Fortunately, digital technology has now furnished the tools that, when used with a little wisdom, can raise sales out of being the paint by numbers process it often is.
Technology gives sales an edge when it comes to globalization, the need for constant innovation, and when dealing with disruption. That is, if technology is used correctly. It's important to note that technology should be provided as a means of coordinating strategic direction and to enable sales personnel to operate as a team.
That a salesperson has a laptop or an iPhone isn't all that important, if such devices are used simply as way of staying in touch with the office. It's even worse if they exist not as tools, but only as accessories.
Modern technology has made communication incredibly easy and so it is important that such technology be coordinated as a way to deliver and harvest information that is then delivered to a centralized location where it can be evaluated and acted upon in a coherent manner.
Also technology should be used to outflow as well as inflow information. The modern salesperson has the ability to stay in touch with customers in a non-intrusive way by delivering important content, answering questions and addressing customer difficulties without being physically present in the same location as the customer. While it's true that this could be done by telephone fifty years ago, modern digital technology speeds this process enormously, especially when rapid crisis resolution is important. The client can be kept up to speed and isn't left in a mystery as to what is happening and doesn’t have to wait on hold. Anyone who has had to wait on hold knows how frustrating sitting in mystery can be. Digital technology reduces the frustration factor by enabling fast communication at numerous touch points.
IT enables sales departments to respond to changing circumstances in a timely manner, and service customers more rapidly and effectively than ever before. Digital technology raises the quality of customer service and quality customer service is the key to making sales in the modern marketing landscape.